Showing 1 - 21 of 21 Results
Designing Health Education Programs: Addressing Lifespan Development from Birth to Death by Portugal, Lisa Marie, Dr. L... ISBN: 9781983645204 List Price: $56.03
How to Develop a Health & Wellness Change Initiative: Create a Health & Wellness Education P... by Portugal, Lisa Marie, Dr. L... ISBN: 9781977647177 List Price: $41.00
How to Use Theory in Health Education to Change Lives: Interventions & Strategies by Portugal, Lisa Marie, Dr. L... ISBN: 9781979861335 List Price: $48.00
Quality Improvement for Health Programs: Research Methods & Applied Statistics by Portugal, Lisa Marie, Dr. L... ISBN: 9781977921857 List Price: $44.85
Program Evaluation: For Healthcare Systems and Educational Programs by Portugal, Lisa Marie, Dr. L... ISBN: 9781974108169 List Price: $30.00
Reduce Student Attrition in Online Education: A Metacognitive Mentoring Framework by Portugal, Lisa Marie, Dr. L... ISBN: 9781974418565 List Price: $31.00
How to Teach Online: Engaging Students Using Personalization Techniques by Portugal, Lisa Marie, Dr. L... ISBN: 9781976166525 List Price: $31.00
The Tragedy of Macbeth By William Shakespeare by Portugal, Lisa Marie, Dr. L... ISBN: 9781387703210 List Price: $7.50
A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare by Portugal, Lisa Marie, Dr. L... ISBN: 9781387702794 List Price: $7.00
The Tempest by William Shakespeare by Portugal, Lisa Marie, Dr. L... ISBN: 9781387705740 List Price: $7.16
Othello, the Moore of Venice by William Shakespeare by Portugal, Lisa Marie, Dr. L... ISBN: 9781387705030 List Price: $9.50
The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare by Portugal, Lisa Marie, Dr. L... ISBN: 9781387705177 List Price: $7.56
Oedipus Rex by Sophocles by Portugal, Lisa Marie, Dr. L... ISBN: 9781387705498 List Price: $6.00
The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark by William Shakespeare by Portugal, Lisa Marie, Dr. L... ISBN: 9781387684083 List Price: $10.00
Ethical Leadership in Healthcare: Theory & Best Practices by Portugal, Lisa Marie, Dr. L... ISBN: 9781985653375 List Price: $56.03
Child & Adult Vaccine Detox: Change Initiative & Action Plan for Detox, Resources, Education... by Portugal, Lisa Marie, Dr. L... ISBN: 9781547062775 List Price: $38.00
Healthcare Lesson Plans for Educators: Teach How to Detox Cancer, Diabetes, Disease by Portugal, Lisa Marie, Dr. L... ISBN: 9781986732819 List Price: $31.00
Educating People about Mental Health: Mental Illness, Mental Health, & Behavioral Diversity ... by Dr. Lisa Marie Portugal ISBN: 9781719368605 List Price: $51.13
Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau by Portugal, Lisa Marie, Dr. L... ISBN: 9781387658374 List Price: $4.50
The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare by Portugal, Lisa Marie, Dr. L... ISBN: 9781387656585 List Price: $11.00
The Iliad of Homer by Homer by Portugal, Lisa Marie, Dr. L... ISBN: 9781387659388 List Price: $32.50